FFC Happenings!

Check back often to learn about more Finn Family Crew events.


About FFC


2023-2024 Finn Family Crew Officers

Sabrina Morrison – President

Paris Johnson- Vice President

Jessica Wetmore – Secretary

Rachel Westbrook Hufford – Treasurer

Jen Fetterman – Communications Secretary


“We Are Crew, Not Passengers”

EL Education’s Motto in both the classroom setting as well as the whole school community setting, is that we are not passengers in the education journey, instead we are crew, working together to achieve our goal. Finn Academy Scholars, Staff, Families and Community members are all part of a crew. Finn Family Crew works to create an engaging culture that reflects our core values throughout our school community. Families will volunteer in various ways and throughout the school year to support Finn Academy’s mission.

  • Leadership
  • Kindness
  • Reflection
  • Aspiration
  • Scholarship
  • Perseverance


Contact Us

Email:  finnfamilycrew@gmail.com